Queen of the Amazons, Hippolyta has been turned into stone by the goddess Hera. To free her mother from the spell, Princess Diana better known as Wonder Woman, fights in a battle with the Olympian gods.
In honor of the 75th anniversary of one of the most iconic female characters in comic history and now in the big screen: Wonder Woman, the Mexican Design Museum (MUMEDI) in collaboration with Warner Brothers, summoned more than 70 designers, architects and artists to design a pair of bracelets inspired by the character.
This with the objective of supporting the non-profit foundation called Epic Queen, whose mission is to empower young girls & women teaching them code, computing and robotics.
the story behind wonder woman
To create a strong concept, the design of The Hippolyta bracelets was inspired by the origins of Wonder Woman.
· WHO IS HIPpolytA?
Princess Diana is the daughter of Queen of the Amazons, Hippolyta (and secretly the God of Thunder, Zeus).
Knowing that Goddess Hera (wife of Zeus) would retaliate against her and her baby if she’d learned of the betrayal, Queen Hippolyta told the world, including her daughter Diana, that she was the result of a miracle by the gods, where from baby sand sculpture, she had come to life.
Years later, when the true origin of Princess Diana was unveiled, Hera confronted Hippolyta and as revenge transformed her into a stone statue, and the Themyscira Amazons into serpents. This is the plot of the story of "Wonder Woman The New 52" by Brian Azzarello where Wonder Woman fights with different gods and demigods to seek justice for her mother and race.
This event inspired us to tell the story of her origins and translate the virtues of her and her mother into two pieces of jewerly.
strenght, power and feminity.
Moved by the story of Wonder Woman and her mother Hippolyta, the concept of the bracelets was developed. First, 3 words where chosen to describe the virtues of Queen Hippolyta and Wonder Woman: Strenght, Power and Femininity. To translate these words in a touch and feel moodboard, we transformed these words in organic shapes, metals and stone to guide the design.
designing jewerly worthy of gods
To represent the natural softness, elegancy & grace of women, we translate these values into organic shapes by sketching, exploring with sculpting clay and 3D modeling to achieve an aesthetic & ergonomic jewelry form.
After testing, ergonomics of the final pieces were 3D printed to serve as models for the creation of the molds for later casting.
To represent the value of strength from a demigod, we chose MAGMA® stone as the main material for the bracelets. Developed by C37, MAGMA® is a new semi-liquid formula that improves the emblematic Basaltic stone in appearance and texture. MAGMA® is 20% lighter than stone, which allowed the bracelets be lighter and comfortable.
Wonder Woman is not only feminine and strong but also powerful, she is royalty. Princess Diana is a demigod, daughter of Zeus and Queen of the Amazons... her gifts combine inhuman strength, velocity and manipulation of electricity.
After the drying process we translated royalty & electric powers to gold power, applying details of golden lines around the edges of the bracelets, highlighting the curves of the forms resulting in two powerful pieces of jewelry worthy of gods.
“Sometimes it’s better not to be who we are, but who we aspire to be. ”
After weeks of investigating the character, designing, and detailing, the results of the Hippolytha Bracelets will be showcased at MUMEDI. This is a project that celebrates beauty, feminine power, design and innovative materials.
april 2017
MUMEDI invited C37 Studio to participate in the the exhibition "Wonder Woman, the Power of Creativity" and after 1 moth of design and production, the bracelets where exhibited.
june 2017
The Hippolyta Bracelets were exposed & auctioned at MUMEDI to support the non-profit foundation of Epic Queen.
august 2017
The exposition is open for visits until August the 31, after that, the bracelets will be delivered to the buyer.
The proceeds from the bracelet auction will be donated to the Epic Queen Foundation to empower young girls and women on areas of technology, electronics, and information technology

#WWbyC37 #wonderwoman #c37mx #mumedi #mujermaravilla
Shots by Kike Acosta.