EVENT: Let's re-think today's materials / HABITUS.
HABITUS: A system of embodied dispositions that dictate the way people perceive the social world, acquired through mimesis.
HABITUS is a space in which creatives re-think today's materials, eliminating their pre-conceived concept and giving them a new purpose.
The collection of materials was discovered by re-designing it's properties, aesthetic and uses by experimenting with their DNA. Materials from fabrics, newspaper, henequén, and copper were alloyed with other substances to change its chemical composition and make them available for applications never before imagined.
In addition, the exhibit opens a dialogue between the lab and designers to find dream materials and their applications.
The exploration was showcased at Abierto Mexicano de Diseño 2015 at Museo Numismático, being the first approach to material development for C37.