First Name
Last Name
Let's Meet : Tell us about yourself.
What do you currently do? What role do you have in Design My High? What are you expert on?
What is the "Elevator Pitch" to describe your business?
The text should be as long as a Tweet (140 - 280 characters) or spoken description that takes 30 seconds to 1 minute maximum.
What is the current Value Proposition of Design My High?
How is your product, service or concept unique or different than your direct / indirect competition?
Which will be your target market mix in USA?
Baby Boomers: 57-75 years old
Gen X : 41-56 years old
Gen Y.1 (Millenials) : 25-29 years old
Gen Y.2 : 29-39 years old
Gen Z : 6 and 24 years old
Which will be your target market mix in Mexico?
Baby Boomers: 57-75 years old
Gen X : 41-56 years old
Gen Y.1 (Millenials) : 25-29 years old
Gen Y.2 : 29-39 years old
Gen Z : 6 and 24 years old
Based on your previous answer, considering you will be interacting with more than one target market, describe your User A hypothesis?
Describe this user's hypothetic Background & Demographics : Age, gender, socioeconomic level, Location (city), job title(s), life stage, career path, family, etc.
User C : Describe your User C hypothesis?
Age, gender, socioeconomic level, location (city), job title(s), life stage, career path, family, etc.
Jobs : In general, name 3 things that your customer couldn’t live without accomplishing?
Jobs describe the things your customers are trying to get done in their work or in their life. A customer job could be the tasks they are trying to perform and complete, the problems they are trying to solve.
Existential Need : Per user, A, B & C, describe your hypothesis of each users needs.
What is the one thing that your customer couldn’t live without accomplishing?
User A.
User B.
User C.
Functional Needs : What tasks are your customers trying to perform in their work or personal life?
What functional problems are your customers trying to solve with your product / service?
User A.
User B.
User C.
Perception Needs : How does your customer want to be perceived by others?
What can your customer do to help themselves be perceived this way?
User A.
User B.
User C.
Emotional Need : What emotional needs are your customers trying to satisfy with your product / service?
What jobs, if completed, would give the user a sense of self-satisfaction?
User A.
User B.
User C.
Product / Service Hypothesis: Based on your Design My High company idea and customers jobs / needs, what do you think your services/ products should be?
What will be your revenue streams? What is the offer? What are your sources of income? What are your revenue streams? How do you make money? How much does each service or product cost?
Spending Power : How much do you think your target customer is willing to pay for those services / products?
Per month or per product or service.
Why do you think your customers would buy from your brand?
Why do you think someone would NOT buy from your brand?
Acquisition Channels : How will you reach your customers?
How will your relationship with your customers be? Describe by customer / user profile.
User A.
User B.
User C.
Social Networks : Which channels is your target audience most active on?
Describe by customer / user profile.
User A.
User B.
User C.
Customer Relationship : What would the relationship with customers be like?
Provide a detailed description of how you would comunicate through social networks, mail, events, in person, etc.
Key Partners : Is there a company, brand or person that you would like to be associated or make a partnership with?
Why? What can they offer to the project? Would they charge you anything for your services? Do you do any trade?
Design My High Key Words : Select 5 words you would like to describe the brand
Use adjectives or values.
National Competitor : What companies or brands do you consider are your main 5 competitors?
They can be companies that offer the same / similar services to you and / or to the same customer segment.
International Competitor : What companies or brands do you consider are your main 5 competitors?
They can be companies that offer the same / similar services to you and / or to the same market segment.
Ideal Perception: In 06 words, what experience would you like to create as a brand?
Describe how you would like your market segment and collaborators to perceive your brand. In what words would you describe it?
Industry Role Model: Mention 03 companies that are currently what you would like your brand to be in the future?
Name, webpage and why.
Dream Companies: Mention 06 companies that you admire.
Name, webpage and why.
Lifestyle Brands: Mention 03 brands that represent you or that you consume in your day to day.
National or international brands that are part of your lifestyle today and represent you.
Aspirational Brands: Mention 03 brands that you aspire to be part of your lifestyle and that confirm certain values of you.
National or international brands that are not yet part of your lifestyle today but that you aspire to be or have and believe that they represent you.
About You: Why do you do what you do? What characteristic values do you have as a person and professional that you think adds to the company?
Brand in 2021: How do you visualize the brand in 2021?
What services will you be offering? Where?
Brand in the future : How do you see the brand in 5 years?
What services will they be offering? Where?
Public Figures Reference for Brand Persona
Thinking of this profile, which celebrity or public figures do they follow / admire? Ex : Steve Martin + George Clooney + Humphrey Bogart + Bugs Bunny